Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon, who was holding the camera?

Who was holding the camera when Neil Armstrong climbed down the ladder on Appollo 11? Who was holding the camera when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin put up the American flag? How were those pictures taken if they were the first men on the moon and the only guys there?|||Bob from Temecula.|||The TV camera mounted on the landing strut/leg of the lunar module took the video. No one was holding the camera. It was pre-positoned in a box that could be opened remotely (by Buzz Aldrin) on the the leg of the lunar module BEFORE launch.|||Oh for heaven's sake, doesn't anyone get the idea of an automatic camera? The TV camera was mounted on the side of the LM to send pictures of the descent down the ladder and the first steps, and then mounted on a tripod aimed at the LM to transmit pictures of them both working on the Moon. You don't need a man standing behind a camera to make it send pictures, you just have to turn it on.|||Of all the incredibly stupid Apollo hoax questions, this one has to be the stupidest. When Armstrong stepped onto the surface, the camera was mounted in an equipment bay on the side of the lander. That camera was then set up on a tripod and placed some distance away from the lander and pointed toward it. Is that really so hard to figure out?

Are the people who ask this question really THAT dumb?|||This question gets asked here a dozen times a day, and the answer is always the same: the camera was attached to one of the feet of the lander, and was deployed by Armstrong just before going down the ladder. This is _not_ rocket science!|||Gee, you've discovered the inconsistency that nobody else saw in 40 years. You must be smart. And therefore right. Were I you, I'd write to as many newspapers as you can saying you've discovered the secret. Be sure to include your full name. You'll be famous in no time.|||The camera that captured him first going down the ladder was attached to the lander. The camera that showed the flag being put up was on a tripod. Not much mystery to it...|||God , It was attached to the spaceship ! !! Go read a book and LEARN|||they sent a third guy up, but i don't think he actually walked on the moon.|||bUZZE aLDRIN|||They hired a Martian Cameraman.


Did you say the moon?|||good

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