Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Does it not matter by which name you call God?

The English word used for the 'supreme deity' is 'God' derived from the word 'good'.

The Jews use Jehovah and Yaheweh.

The Arabs used the word 'Lah' meaning 'a god in general', but defined it as "Al-Lah" meaning "The God". The addition of the article makes 'any god' into a singular and a specific god - the one, the supreme.

Should not Christians also use the article "The" when they use the term, using "The God" instead. It might appear otherwise that Christians believe in Appollo, Mercury, Lugh, Khali etc.

Christians do not define as what is meant by God.

TWO QUESTIONS TO ANSWER|||I think in the same way that you call your father "daddy" and not "my daddy", we need not be so specific as to say "The God". However, if your father was John and you called him Michael, that will draw some eyebrows. Therefore, the name is important yes but he has given us freedom to call him respectfully in the various names that he has given us to call him in the bible. Jesus even thought us to pray "Our Father in heaven ..."|||Christians technically have a name: Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew, Isa in Arabic and India).

Hindus say that you can call God by whatever name you desire. Remember that Islam teaches the 99 names of God. Hindus have various aspects of God represented in forms and give these forms 108 names each. Hindus say that truly God is nameless and formless, but we as humans often need to help identify with God, so names and forms become necessary. Some Hindus don't use forms, just names, and some try very hard to not even use names (if you can imagine). And as many Hindus point out, consider how many names you are called by....son/daughter, mother/father, mom/dad, uncle/aunt, your first name, your middle name, your last name, nicknames, and so on. All of these are names, too and you respond to them so Hindus say that God, too, responds to whatever name you choose. What matters is where your heart is when you call upon God by whatever name. Your heart is how God really knows you are speaking to God.

I suppose Christians could begin using the term "The God"....especially when speaking of God in Trinity form since the Father is also called God most of the time and that can get confusing when Christians are talking. They will say "God" and then mean God as in the Trinity and then they will say "God" and mean God as in the Father. Yet when they talk about Jesus or the Holy Spirit, they call it by that aspect of the Trinity by it's definative name.|||Allah's are the fairest names. Invoke Him by them. And leave the company of those who blaspheme His names. They will be requited what they do.|||You could call God the dumb pumpkin if you wanted and it made you feel good, call him non-existant, call him fey, call him Maria, call him May, call him on the telephone, call him in the snow...

call him anything you want but won't you get a reply.|||The Jewish God and the Christian God are the same God. Christians mean the God of the Bible. Jews mean the same God, but do not accept the New Testament. He has several names (see below), but said that His name would forever be I AM.

Islam, in my opinion, sprang from paganism. See link.

Names of God in Christianity...

Father, Yahweh (we use this too), Jehovah, Almighty, Creator, Heavenly Father, Lord, Lord God, and the list goes on and on. Christians define God by capitalizing His name and all pronouns associated with Him. When they refer to any other, they do not capitalize it, but instead type god, or gods.|||god has many many names , and we know some " as Muslims " and some people know some other names , and in history we have some storys about some men know the great name of god " ALLAH " and by the way ALLAH does't mean "the LAH " ALLAH " is name without THE , but what ever the name you must know that he is only one and he has not son or family .|||Well , Allah, Raab, God, Khuda, Rehman, Raheem, and there are alot of names of God

You should call Allah by one of his names,

and there is only One God

That God is the same for muslims, christians, or jews|||I think its a matter of what religion you believe but what you must realise is that although he is called by different names it is the same God that everyone prays to its all just a matter of belief and where you come from

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