Tuesday, November 15, 2011

There are so many sites which say that NASA has not been able to land a man on moon. Is it true?

All the photographs were fake and pictures taken on earth were manufactured in a way that they seemed to be of moon. The Appollo flights were not able land on moon surface. An evidence given is that since then NASA has not even tried to land a human on moon surface.|||Of course it's hard to "prove" that humans have been on the surface of the moon. What would you consider to be definite proof? Nothing short of going there yourself? But, consider that if the whole thing is a hoax, a huge number of people would have been involved. None of those people have "quit the conspiracy". Yet, the rewards for them doing so would be great.

The link below is NASA's comment on hoax theories. However, you will also find links to independent sites that support NASA's view.

In the end, you must decide for yourself what to believe. But I think you will find the evidence overwhelmingly in favor of men actually landing and walking on the surface of the moon.


Re: the comment that there is no biography of Neil Armstrong, see "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong", published in 2005.

Re: they never made it more than halfway ... radiation belts prevented them. The van Allen radiation belts extend up to about 40,000 miles from earth; halfway to the moon is 125,000 miles.|||All those sites are fake. NASA did land people on the moon. 6 times.

And to really disprove any notion that it could have been fake is the fact that in the 1960's, the US was racing against the USSR to be first, and Russia had both the means and the motivation to show the moon landing were fake *IF* they were fake. They did not. Why? Because the Russian knew it was true and real.

Edit: to "Dr.MoonFaker" below; you evidently had the worst science teacher ever...|||bull ,some brave men risk all and 3 died getting there,but we (mankind) made it there,no refuting it.........tom|||Any crackpot can put up a web site, and post the most outrageous lies there!

The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

You obviously haven't done any serious research on this topic, but are just repeating some lies you've heard. All of your points have been refuted in detail on web sites like these:



http://www.clavius.org/|||Wow, the educational system is doing a great job of teaching our students.

I've read the alleged "proof" we did not land on the moon. I would ask, since Russia and the USA were not on the best of terms during the cold war, any ANY failure on sending a man to the moon would have been immediately picked up and continually brought up to this day.

Then there's the sheer size of the Saturn V rocket, as tall as a 35 story building. Where might we have put that once it left the ground. Everyone saw it leave the Earth. There is not stealth in space, Russia could have and did, track the mission as closely as NASA did.

We landed on the moon, several times. Forget what hippy teachers have said.

"If we landed on the moon, why can't we see stars?"

Answer, the moon doesn't have an atmosphere and the sun is very bright, wiping out any contrasts and subtle shades. Duh!

"How is it the picture as so perfectly centered with cameras that big?"

"It's not hard to take a centered picture without looking through the viewfinder. Double duh! And what would happen if the astronauts brought back crappy photos?

"Geez, ya'd t'ink with all the money they spent they could get some decent pictures."

We haven't been to the moon since because of politics and budget constraints. Plus other space exploration projects. Remember, we can't spend extra money on space exploration, we have to give it all to people who don't want to work.

Edit: There is solar wind, enough to make light objects like flags, ripple. But in the news films, you can see the astronaut move his hand back and forth getting the flag pole to borrow into the moon's surface. The motion obviously was transferred to the flag making it move. Triple-Duh!|||there is evidence to suggest that man never landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong for example. He should be famous and reveared but he has never written a biography or anything. Also in the video of man landing on the moon the flag is blowing in the wind, when there is no wind on the moon because there is no atmosphere. At the time of the landing America and Russia were in a cold war and were racing to get to the moon which would explain why they faked it.|||NASA has not been able to attempt another moon landing following the Apollo missions because Congress cut the budget, thousands were laid off, and all scheduled missions were canceled.

As for faked, it's not true. Skeptics abound in every endeavor.|||of course they are fake but they might be real . all these landing things are always kept classifies you know?|||Are U stupid ??? how could NASA keep 10,000 Eng quite about a lie as that,|||the crew of Apollo 11 and subsequent astronauts had faked their orbit around the Moon and their walk on its surface by trick photography, and they never got more than halfway to the Moon. the radiation belts prevented humans from reaching the moon.

Lack of stars in the pictures and collins saying he didnt remember seeing any stars is quite telling.

The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.

The color and angle of shadows and light are inconsistent. often showing a second or third light source was used.

Identical backgrounds in photos are listed as taken miles apart.

Cold-War prestige

Money 鈥?NASA raised approximately $30 billion to go to the Moon. in the 60's that a lot of tax payer money.

Problems early in the space program were insurmountable

To fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 promise "to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

still some think it was real and maybe the video and photography was faked to show the world.

only Nasa and the astronauts know the truth.

maybe china will find out for us soon. if they don't see anything on our landing sights ,

nasa will be exposed.


i am a self taught scientist and engineer|||I solve all my problems by putting my friends in blocks of cement

I think you should to|||There are many nonsense websites. You should look at both sides to find the truth. You are evidently just looking at nonsense that has been refuted many times.|||Those web sites are completely idiotic. Anybody who believes what they say is a moron. Are you a moron?

The fact that nobody has been back since 1972 has squat to do with the reality of what came before.

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