Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In which appollo space mission did the space ship blow up killing all on board?

was it 10-11-12-?|||Apollo 1 (officially called AS-204) was the only time anyone in the Apollo program was killed in a spacecraft. They weren't launching, they were participating in a routine test of the craft's systems called the "plugs-out test"

http://history.nasa.gov/Apollo204/|||No apollo spacecraft blew up killing all on board.

Apollo 1 had a fire in the crew capsule while it was on the ground, and all 3 astronauts were killed in the fire. The Apollo 1 fire cast a lot of doubt on the future of the Apollo program but we perservered and came through in the end.

An oxygen tank in the service module of Apollo 13 exploded while it was en route to the moon, but all 3 astronauts survived and were able to safely return to Earth, though a bit worse for wear.|||The only astronaut deaths in the Apollo program were Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffe, who were killed during a routine test of the spacecraft on the launchpad when a fire swept through the command module. This was officially designated AS-204 on NASA internal paperwork, but was called Apollo 1 by the crew, and following their deaths the Apollo 1 title was adopted officially.

Apollo 13 suffered an oxygen tank explosion while on the way to the Moon, however the astronauts were able to use the LM oxygen supply to survive the journey home.|||The only Apollo that killed anyone was Apollo 1. It happened on the launch pad during a rehearsal for an Earth orbit mission, to check out the Apollo capsule. They were using 100% oxygen inside the capsule, and somehow a fire started. In pure oxygen, fires burn very hot, very fast, and spread quickly. Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chafee lost their lives due to asphyxiation. The only other Apollo mission where anything went wrong was Apollo 13, a lunar landing mission, in which an oxygen tank in the service module behind the capsule blew up, but they made it back just fine.

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