Friday, November 11, 2011

Can i fit rear disk brakes onto my bike which is an appollo xc26s.?

i want to fit rear disk brakes onto the bike it currently has front disks and rear pads i was told by halfords that it is difficult to do so and they couldn't do it for me it has 2 small holes on both sides of the rear of the bike but they dont fit disk brake there any way i can fit disk brakes onto this bike???|||Firstly, it sounds like you have the disc brake holes in the frame (Should be on the top of the rear triangle, left hand side). If this is the case, you also need to look at your hub. If it is disc ready, then on the left hand side you will see a series of holes drilled around the hub which allow you to mount a disc.

You mention two small holes on both sides at the rear of the bike. These are to allow you to mount a rack. So if you do not have two metal fixtures welded to the top of the rear triangle, then you probably can't.

If this is the case, then you you can fit disc brakes. Buy the way, don't get the Halfords Muppets to fit anything. Go to your local bike shop and see what they say.

You have a mechanical on the front, so you could probably stick a mechanical on the back. You are better off getting the same on the front and back. That said, I would replace both with hydraulics.

Now the real question. Do you take this bike off road in the winter? The main reason for disc brakes is that they allow you to ride through mud without applying lubricant to your brake rim. They give you better clearance so that you don't clog up with mud. Overall, you get the same performance in the wet as you do in the dry.

That said, if you only want to take this on the street or local leisure tracks, you may not need disc brakes. I would not think about it myself for this bike. If you are advancing in your riding enough that you have started to notice the limitations of the Appollo (Legion), then I think that it is time for you to look at another bike. Try a Specialized Rockhopper.


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