Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What movies involve troubles and physical fitness change?

What movies involve troubles and physical change?

Can be any style movie e.g

For Example

The Notebook: the lead male character ends up growing a beard and putting on alot of muscle

Rocky: He knows he has to fight appollo creed and so he trains hard and increases his fitness and strength alot

4 days ago (Tiebreaker)

I dont mean films where by chance boom they just physically change I mean films where the end up desiring change e.g the notebook and rocky|||enough - jennifer lopez

double jeopardy - ashley judd

swat - colin farrel

just friends - Ryan Reynolds|||uhmm step up? or other dancing moviees maybe.

tlaking about the physical change.

run fatboy run


and anyy tipe of other war moviees, most of them start from the people training and gettng to war and stuff|||Going to the Mat:

the guy has to do all those weight things to bulk up or whatever for his wrestling

and the other guy has to lose weight to stay in the right weight class or whatnot

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