Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What is our superstition or rather why do we have a fear of the nubmer 13?

I was watching a documentary a whle ago, where some people tried to claim that Appollo 13 had problems becuase of the number 13.

Like it was the only one to ever have problems. They didn't say anything about the challenger. It blew up and didn't have anything do do with the number 13|||It;s a superstition relating to fear of friday the 13.

It comes from fear as Judas was the 13th to be seated at the Last Supper in Christian mythology, Loki was 13 in Greek, Dionysis in the greek etc. |||People don't like 13 for a few reasons.

One is that at the last supper Judas was the 13th person to arrive and he betrayed Jesus


Two, in ancient Rome a witch's coven comprised of 12 members the 13th being the devil.

In a Norse myth 12 gods were feasting in Valhalla and the 13th guest was an uninvited Loki who went on to have the god of darkness kill the god of happiness|||i think the number 6 , 13 and 23 are evil numbers, i dont know why but when i listen to the radio the volume cant be on either of those numbers.|||friday the 13th

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